Business Through Purpose

Your Happy Place

Do you have a special place that you like to go to escape the at times mundane existence which is what life can become? Or perhaps it is an activity such as a sport or maybe the gym…that place you go to do something, often quite physical, which helps you unwind mentally – to decompress from the pressures which build up through the path of your life…What if I told you that there is a way to spend more time in this happy place?


The most inspiring people that I have been noticing more recently, are those who have found or made the time to include the things in life which are enjoyable, and make them happy! They make a conscious decision to focus on what is important to them, and then pursue it with unrelenting purpose until it becomes their reality.

The foundation of living in a head space of unrelenting purpose is essentially consistency, as opposed to some epic, intense, high pressure, brutal aggressive charge towards your passion! Keep doing what you need to do to get to where you want to be; where you are called to be.

Intense focus

Live – Passion Focused

Life is very often not easy, so let us choose to follow passions and do activities we love, and make a living in the process. I believe this concept is resonating with you, but there is a little voice which right now is likely saying that I am not dealing in realities. My response is, who told you that? Why do you accept that things most likely won’t change?

In an earlier post of mine, (Purposeful Living) I shared a quote from Germany Kent which states, “You become what you digest into your spirit. Whatever you think about, focus on, read about, talk about, you’re going to attract more of into your life. Make sure they’re all positive.” What a powerful concept which I am convinced through both study and experience, is reality!

So essentially you and I end up where we are looking, and if you have ever been white water rafting and had the responsibility of guiding the raft, you know that if you focus on the boulder which you do not want to hit, that is exactly what you DO hit! To change, you need to focus on where you want to go and then take the steps which appear, to get you there.

Where You Live

Your “happy place” should be more a case of where you live, not just a special treat you get to enjoy once every few weeks or months! What is it that you need to change to get you to where you want to be? If the desire is real and strong enough and you are willing to work, you will find that the things which you previously thought were insurmountable or too hard to change, begin to look smaller and more manageable…you begin to make progress.

Positive change no matter how small, is an incredible motivator! It instils belief that the steps which you are taking can make the desired difference in your life! Even though the process may be at times difficult and challenging if you see results it worthwhile, right?!Open your mind

In Your Head

Jamelle Sanders talking about the mind states, “Reaching your greatest potential is contingent upon rigorous psychological development”. Therefore spending time developing mindset is the biggest key to begin living in your happy place. Focus where you want to be, read, find mentors and take action steps to get you there. And repeat the cycle.

Your happy place is a state of mind, but it helps massively to be in a position in life to be time flexible enough to go to your physical happy place. You are the only person who can make the changes necessary to make that happen.

Over to You

Step up, take responsibility and pursue a life of substance! Why exist when you can thrive? Why settle when you can excel? Instead of going through the motions, be excited about where you are and where your next step will take you!


3 replies on “Your Happy Place”

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