Business Through Purpose

Finding The Best of You

Who is the very best version of you? This post is intended to help you drill down into this question and pull out some answers, and learn more about who you are, where you’re at and where you would like to be as a person!

Little Brother

Little Brother

In many ways I still think of myself as the “little brother”, no different in a relationship context than when I was a boy. I understand that is not the reality, but in my head I still think of myself that way sometimes, and feel that older siblings think of me as that little boy still…whether they actually do or not is another matter, I’m just considering my perception.

So whether you consider yourself like me as a younger version of yourself (At times concerning when you look in the mirror!) or whether you are the more in charge person in your family, I believe that is important to reflect and consider who you are, in your mind.

It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for me to assume that you the reader, experience your own moments of self doubt and esteem struggles which brings us to the question: What is the best of you? What is your unique set of skills and experiences which are part of who you are, which make up the essential best of you? And if you don’t know, how can you find them? Let’s explore the possibilities.

The Dangerously Safe Road

I am truly convinced that we are to live our lives with joy and satisfaction; I know we all go through rough patches, but settling for an easy so called “safe” life is quite frankly, soul destroying! And I have had the opportunity to meet hundreds of people who are living a safe life…and they hate it, but they don’t know how to step out of it because they have lived that way for so long that it has become comfortable, like an old pair of shoes…which are actually crippling their feet! The truth is, I’ve lived on that road myself.

A grassy pathway

A New Path

So if you are in that rut of a soul destroying, familiar life that is largely unfulfilling, the first and most important step is to acknowledge that with the right mindset, and persistence you can carve out fulfilling and inspiring life of service which flows from the best of you!

From what I have learned through observation, self reflection and reading, the best place to begin to pull this apart is to consider that which you are good at, what you are passionate about and what you love! When are the moments when you get lost in what you are doing, who you are with and where you are? When you have this pictured clearly in your mind, this is where the best of you lives!

Candace Pert in her groundbreaking book, Molecules of Emotion, states: “Recent technological innovations have allowed us to examine the molecular basis of emotions, and to begin to understand how the molecules of our emotions share intimate connections with, and are indeed inseparable from our physiology. It is the emotions I have come to see, that link mind and body.”

So in essence what Candace is saying is, how we feel emotionally is directly related to physical wellbeing, not just mental health!

Stepping into a life of meaning and being the best version of you has a direct link to your overall health…yet another great reason to forge YOUR path!

Consistently work from anywhere


The best plans are carried out in a team setting. Sit down with your family and talk over in a calm and open way, where you are, and where your heart is. Support is vital for you to set off on an adventure such as a new life path. And you will require persistence and consistency! Mental Toughness Partners wrote a great piece on the career side of a new life: https://www.mentaltoughness.partners/best-you-can-be/ …Here they give step by step guidelines on following your dreams to do something you love for work. My previous Blog, Purposeful Living, also explores this topic.

Be in the Zone

Before you go out and completely change everything about your current life, STOP! Now start with small relatively easily achievable things, work on your mindset and general attitude to life. Read empowering books and listen to podcasts which build you up! Begin to grow into a strong leader!

Anything by John C Maxwell can help you with Leadership and an empowering mindset. “No Limits” and “Developing The Leader Within You 2.0”, are two fantastic options from him! Here is just one thing he has to say in his book, No Limits: “Developing awareness is going to help you recognise the changes that will help you blow the cap off your capacity. My hope is that by the time you finish this book, your capacity will be much greater than you ever imagined and you will be well on your way to living a no limits life”.

Then once you are in the right space mentally to launch into your new life, you will realise that you are well on your way already, BECAUSE you are in the right space mentally! With your head in the game, you are ready to win, so go out and pursue your new dreams, knowing you are following the best path for you!!

One of my mentors Stuart Ross, delves deeper into what it takes to live a great life as an entrepreneur. Sign up for his free on demand webinar series below, and learn to create your own path!


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